Park Seol-yeon is a person interested in design, art, photography, film, and linguistics. Her ultimate goal is to synthesize a variety of interests to create a design that solves current problems and endures over time.

Only recently did she come to understand that websites can be an incredible way to communicate. In the beginning of 2022, when she encountered the fascinating video recording website by cav empt, she realized that her face could be broadcast worldwide via website. This experience opened her eyes to the limitless possibilities and enjoyment websites can offer.

She is an admirer of John Cage. She really likes these four minutes and 33 seconds of humour and static and noise and patience and embarrassment and curiosity. One of her favorite publishers, Spector Books, released a book on John Cage's 4'33", which includes an introduction that she particularly appreciates: There is no such thing as silence. On the other hand, sound needs silence in order to be heard. Even if complete silence does not exist, every sound implicitly conveys the notion of silence: there is no presence without absence.

And she likes a variety of Davids, such as David Sims, David Bowie, David Lynch... and maybe Michelangelo’s David.

With a somewhat reclusive personality, she designed a website intended to make her information not easily accessible.